2006-06-20 ~ 9:37 a.m.
Chase is THREE!!!
My baby boy, isn't much of a baby anymore. :( Three years ago today, I was in labor with him. At 8:53 pm he was born weighing 6 lbs 6 oz. He has been my little peanut since. Its hard to believe that my tiny baby has become a little boy with a silly, crazy, adventurous personality. Mommy loves you big boy. I hope you enjoyed your party on Saturday and have a wonderful day today as well.
As I said, we had a party for him on Saturday while back home visiting our family. My dad, his wife, my step sister and her soon to be husband came, as well as, my mom, my inlaws, brains brother and his family, his sister, my sister and her boys (of course it was at her house! lol) a friend of mine from high school and her 2 kids, and brian's grandmother. It was themed cars lightly. We didn't do tons of decorating or anything because we didnt have time to. We ran so late.
He got tons of Car toys which he loves! (we saw the movie on friday and he LOVED it. It was his first movie and he did awesome) He got a game where you race to put Mater back together before the timer stops or the pieces pop off, a talking stuffed Mater, a Mack truck play set (Mack from the Cars movie) a mater little car, 2 Lighting little cars, a kite, a little toy disc shooter thing, 2 outfits (one was a Cars outfit) a Mater truck you put this little zip cord type thing and pull it out to make the Mater go backwards, Cars undies,a bucket of legos, toy golf clubs and I believe that was it. Can you tell he loves Mater (he was calling it the brown truck until we saw the movie and now he tells us Tow Mater. lol) He was so funny while opening them. he would iunwrap it a gift, give it to brian and off to the next one! lol
Anyway you want to see pictures don't you? Yeah I knew you would.

Enjoying some pizza before his party

"Daddy, are these really all mine?"

Opening presents

They didn't hava a cars themed cake so we got a plain one and put 2 cars on it.

This is his shy look while we all sang happy birthday to him

The little ones in this picture are all around the same age. Chase of course is by brian and turned 3 today (the 20th) The little boy holding the golf club is Austin (he is my friend from high school who introduced me to brian's little boy) and he turns 3 in August. The little girl in pig tails and in red is my niece Paige (Brian's brothers daughter) and she turned 3 in March.

This is Larissa, my friends little girl (same friend that is the mom of the little boy in the picture above) and Hailey. Larissa is so tall! She just turned 1 in May.

My dad's wife Jan, my dad, my step sister Jill (who I have met maybe 4 or 5 times in the 3 1/2 or 4 years they have been married) and her hubby to be, Kurt. Jill is super nice and great with the kids. Chase loved her and even gave her a big hug when she left.

Brian's sister Tammy, our sister in law kelly and his brother Jason (kellys husband)

My friend from high school, Sarah and her two little ones. That is brian, Chase is sitting on taling to her.

My mom, holding Hailey, Brian's mom and dad
Thanks for looking if you looked this far.
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