2003-06-21 ~ 12:42 p.m.
Well little did I know on Thursday when I went to my dr appt I would end up in the hospital! I did an NST test and Chase didn't do so well, so we went over to the hospital for montoring. His heartrate kept dropping so they decided it was best to induce. So at 6:30 pm on Thursday they started the meds. At 3 am nothing had happened yet at all. I wasn't dilated to start with so we knew it would take awhile. At 5 am my water broke and by 8:30 I was 7-8 dilated, but the babies heartrate was still dropping, and my blood pressure started to go down. The dr said I should get the epi, in case we needed a c-section. Thankfully I was able to have him vaginal after all thanks to my dr and his wife (who is also an ob) who were very very good at keeping me calm and helping me have him vaginal! It was weird having the epi and it dropped my blood pressure more, so I had to be givin something to get it back up. Anyway Chase Michael was born on June 20, 2003 at 9:53 AM. He had the cord wrapped around his neck so we are lucky the dr was keeping such a good eye on everyhing. He was 6 lbs 6 oz at birth and 20 1/2 inches long. He is just perfect and beautful!! :) He nurses great and the kids love him! We got home just a bit ago. A more detailed birth story will be posted later, but I wanted to let you all know my little man was born yesterday morning and we are home! :)
More of a birth story later with more details. It was scary and not what I wanted but baby is fine and that is all that matters. I am totally in love with him. He is precious and he is my sweet baby boy!
Here are pictures:

Chase right after being cleaned up

Baby Boy Chase Michael

The kids, Chase and I Yesterday

Chase Again!

IN Froggy Coming Home outfit about an hour ago

Jaidyn and Chase

In Car Seat after getting home
He is in his daddy's arms right now so I am going to go before he wakes up hungry! He LOVES to nurse! :)
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