2003-06-22 ~ 5:59 p.m.
2 days old!

Isn't he cute?? It was taken today! :)
So he is 2 days old already! WOW. I thought I would still be pregnant at this point but here I hold my two day old little man. So sweet!
My in laws came up yesterday and stayed over night and left this afternoon, so they got to see him.
My sister and mom are coming up tuesday evening I think and Brian is off until Wednesday (my mom and ssister are staying until Friday I think) so I will have help all week!
I feel really good. No stitches or anything just a little crampyu and tired but other then that I feel wonderful!
Chase sleeps his long stretches during the morning time! Silly boy! He nurses great which is wonderful!! He is wearing a preemie outfit right now because all his 0-3 month clothes swollow him whole!!
He doesn't cry he just kind of whimpers like a puppy! Its too cute!! Except he hates his diaper being changed! lol Silly boy! :) He is curled up on my chest right now. He just nursed and now he is sleeping again! Sweet boy! though if I lay him down he will wake back up! lol
I am so in love with him! So so so in love with him. I can't believe he is really here and he is my boy! My Chase!! Its so awsome and Brian just loves him too!
Jaidyn loves to help with him and hold him. Noah won't touch him but he wants to know wher3e he is and what he is doing all the time! He is scared he will hurt him if he touches him!
lol I have lost 12 lbs in the last two day! YAY I still have fluid becuase my ankles are swollen a little bit!
I still haven't written out my birth story but I need Brian to help me because between throwing up, getting dizzy from low blood pressure (50/30 at one point) I don't remember everything. I remember hearing him cry for the first time and touching him. My sweet little man!
Anyway here are a couople more pics taken today I think:

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