2003-06-27 ~ 10:54 a.m.
Chase is a week old today! This time last week I was holding my hour old baby in my arms, now he is a whole week old! You know he has spent the morning??
He has been asleep! lol He got up at 6:00 and was up until 7:30 or so and has been asleep since. He will be up soon though to nurse I am sure!
I have been printing up Pictures from the last few days! awww I love pictures but you know that!
My family left at 10 this morning so its just me and the 3 kids!! I was scared but so far Chase has been asleep and Noah and Jaidyn have been wonderful! I mean really good. Not fighting, not whining, just playing and being good.
Anyway I am going to get off here and go check on Chase, I need to put some of his clothes in the wash (dang that boy goes through so many clothes a day! lol) and then play with my monkeys while he is asleep!
Did I mention I feel pretty good today??
Oh and watch for new pictures later of course!
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