2003-06-29 ~ 10:03 a.m.
9 days
So little man is 9 days old! 9 days old already!! whaaa. Tomorrow will be his due date can you believe that?? He will be 10 dyas old on his due date! :)
He is a sweet sweet baby boy! He nurses well. Great these days actually! :) He sleeps good, about 3-5 hour stretches at a time and he is staying alert a little more when he is up!
He is still fitting better in preemie clothes so that is what we have been keeping him in most of the time, though I don't have many preemie things so he wears newborn stuff some too and they are still so big on him! His length atleast helps him to fit into some clothes a little more!!
He likes to stretch out more now and doesn't want to be wrapped up as much in a blanket like he did at first. So manyh changes in just the 9 dyas he has been here with us!
He sleeps well through the kids which is good because they are LOUD a lot of time, and I do laundry for him all the time! lol
I love having my baby boy and so far things here are good. I haven't gotten too overwhelmed yet and Brian let me sleep later with the baby both mornings this weekend! YAY We were gonna go to church but decided not to this week since I slept later and Chase was a tad cranky this morning and we didn't really have time to get everyone ready to go!
I will post pictures again later, but Noah is complaining and Chase is wiggling and I think he will wanting to nurse very very soon again! :)
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