2003-06-29 ~ 11:42 p.m.
birth survery thingy
I did this survey and answered for my other two births awhile back here so I figured I would do this for Chase too, since I was up and he is in my arms right now! :)
1: How many times did you go to L&D thinking that was it? none!
2: Did you drive yourself to the hospital, DH or somebody else? i drove myself since it was for montoring
3: Did you loose your mucus plug if so when? i lost it over several weeks timr
4: Where you induced? How did it feel? yes because Chase's heartrate. It was odd knowing I would go into labor but not sure when exactly
5: How long was your labor? 13 hours from the starts of pitocin and 4.5 hours from first real contractions and my water breaking
6: How long did you push for? Not long. 2 whole pushes! lol
7: Did you have any pain meds or epidural? I had to have the epidural because we were really close to having to do a c-section because his heartrate was dipping too low
8: Was the birth what you expected? NO WAY
9: How helpful was your support person? Wonderful!
10: How did you feel afterwards? great actually & tired
11: Did you follow your birth plan? nope
12: Did you film the birth or take Pictures? we took pictures before and after he was born
13: How long was your hospital stay? Well from Thursday at noon when I started being montored until saturday at 11 am when we got released
14: Did you bring everything you needed? Were you missing something or brought too much in your hospital bag?
I brought everything we needed
15: Did you have lots of visitors? not a lot but I had my sister, her friend and the people who watched the kids for us
16: Did you breastfeed, formula fed? How soon after the birth did you feed the baby for the first time?
breastfeed and about 10 minutes after he was born I feed him the firt time
17: Did the lactation specialist show up? no
18: Did the going home outfit fit the baby or was it too big or small? It was tooo big for sure! Chase was tiny!
19: Were you early, late, on time. By how many days or weeks? early by 10 dyas just like with Jaidyn
20: Was there something you wished you could have done before coming home? no I was way ready to go home
21: Were you missing something for the baby when you got home or did you buy everything you needed? We needed a few preeie outfits becuase 0-3 months were HUGE on him
22: Did you loose any weight after the birth if so how much? 13 lbs within the first day 18 lbs within the first week
23: Is there any advice you would give to future mommies? expect the unexpected. I have had 3 very very different births!
Little man is doing great! He woke up at 9:30 tonight and its almost 12 and he is finally going back to sleep! :) opefully we will get a few good hours of sleep tonight. I have the kids to myself tomorrow all day long! Thank goodness its a 4 dfay week for Brian and he is off Friday for the 4th! lol
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