2003-07-01 ~ 3:14 p.m.
Cord fell off & appt scheduled
Chase's cord fell off! YAY He will get his first real bath tongiht! I can't wait! Of course he is going to scream! lol
His check up is scheduled for Monday at 1:45 so that is when I take him in to see how big he is and such! I can't wait to find out!! He will be almost 2.5 weeks old when he has his appt!!
Chase has been up most of today, he is finally sleeping on my bed. He fell to sleep with me laying next to him and then when I got up he stayed asleep!
Jaidyn is still napping, Noah is playing. He has been so good today since I have had chase most of the day in my arms!!
I did do laundry and some minor cleaning today too! YAY me! :)
Anyway I feel good today even though I am so tired!! Nothing planned for today, tomorrow I take chase for his pictures at 4:30, thursday we look at a house, and friday is the 4th and brian will be off! Saturday his parents will come up for the day, and sunday they will leave and monday will be chase's dr appt, so a busy next few days for us around here! :)
Anyway I am going to go lay back down with Chase Man. I love cuddling with him and I need to rest some. Between keeping up wityh Noah and Jaidyn and trying to spend time with them, and everything I am running low on energy!!
Oh go to the prev. entry to see pictures from today!!!
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