2003-07-01 ~ 11:35 a.m.
11 days
I am tired tired today!! Chase was up from 1 am until 4:30 this morning!! He wasn't his normal happy self either! He spit up a couple times which he has rarely done so far so I think his stomach was upset! Poor thing!
HE slept great from 4:30 until 8:30 this morning though. of course he was sleeping right next to me which of course made all the difference for him! :)
He took a nap this morning from 9:30 until 11 when Jaidyn woke him up!! SHe was way too loud!!! Oh well he is nursing right now so its actually really hard to type!!
His cord stump is hanging on by just a tiny bit so it will be off by tonight I am sure! YAY for him. Then he can get a real bath which I am sure he will hate! lol
He has a picture appt tomorrow at 4:30! YAY For a free package of pictures!!
I need to make his 2 week check up appt today, so it will be set for the end of this week or early next week!
lala, he is looking up at me right now, he is so sweet!! I just love my little cuddle muffin!! :)
Anyway I am going to go I have to get the kids some lunch and find something to do with them and Chase Man for awhile...
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