2003-07-03 ~ 9:52 a.m.
dirty diaper & 13 days old!!
Pictures went well yesterday! He slept all the way through them! lol Woke up while I was looking at the pictures picking what I wanted, and got VERY mad! They were so nice there though and I was able to nurse him there with no problem! YAY. He slept wonderful last night!! He went to sleep at 6:30 until 9 pm, was up from 9 until 10:30, slept from 10:30 until 1 am, was up until 2 and selpt from 2 until 4:44 am and then slept from about 5 until almost 9! YAY He was only up really long enough to nurse so it was great!! I got sleep!!
He is happy this morning. Just sitting in my lap wide awake right now looking around. He is getting more and more alert each day and I can so tell he is getting bigger already! whaaa! Does he have to get big already??
I have to find someone to watch Noah and Jaidyn while I take Chase to the dr on Monday or Brian siad he will come home and watch them from work while I take Chase. Mrs. Donna is going out of town :(
Anyway Chase is doing wonderful this morning. He is sitting in my lap looking at me right now! He is so sweet!! I just love love love love my little man and the kids adore him too! They are alwyas both asking to hold him and such! So sweet!
Okay he just made a dirty diaper so I am going to go change him! :) He will be 2 weeks old tomorrow! WOW
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