2003-07-06 ~ 4:27 p.m.
16 days & how he is doing
Mr. Chase is cranky this afternoon! Poor thing!!
This morning was rushed. We were trying to get ready for church and Chase needed to nurse and so it ran close but we made it! YAY!

Chase sleeping in boppy pillow yesterday!
At church the preacher came over and saw the baby again and talked to us. Then when he did the annoucements and such for the church he mentioned Chase and everything! :) Too neat! I love being in a church family again! Then everyone came over to us at the end to see my little man! Speaking of little man he slept all the way through church! lol

Another of him sitting in his boppy!
He has pretty much been up since we got home from church! We got home at noon and its 4:30 and he has only taken about 2 short 15 minute naps which is so unlike him! He is so not happy though! He isn't crying or anything. He is justr restless and gets upset if I move him or if I lay him down.
Normally baby stuff though! :)

Us after Church Today! :)
Did I tell you that I love the boppy pillow?? Why you ask?? because when I need to sit Chase down for a minute (like when I have to go pee bad and anyone who has gone to the bathroom with a baby in your arms knows that isn't fun! lol) Anyway he will only let me lay him in it or sit hom in the boppy pillow without screaming! lol Silly boy!!

Almost a smile!!! :) (taken today at 16 days old)
He didn't sleep as well last night but there was a lot going on around here with Brian's parents being here. They played cards with Brian while I nursed Chase and everything! It took him hours last night to settle down too! Poor Chasey Poo! :)

Another kind of grin??
How old are babies normally when they start smiling?? Like I mean not the smiles like in Chase's pictures that just sort of happen but real smiles??
Hard to believe that after 2 other kids I have trouble rmeembering these things. Or maybe because I don't really pay attention to what the books say they do when, but pay more attention to when my kids do things you know??
Sitting with Daddy! :)
Lets see what else about Chase Man?? THe kids still love him to peices!You can tell they are jealous sometimes, but they are showing it in different ways that have nothing to do with Chase ya know??
Like Jaidyn will go to Brian over me right now, because she knows I have to have the baby sometimes. And Noah has been acting out for attnetion from Brian, since Brian has had his hands more full with Jaidyn you know??
The kids always want to hold him or want to know what he is doing or why he is crying or something

Smiling at Daddy???
Now for me?? I am doing really well! I am down about 20 to 21 lbs from the 27 I gained! Yay right?? But I still want to lose more because I started off more before this pregnancy then I liked being! ugh! But anyway I ma getting down some and that is good right??
I feel pretty good most of the time. I love nursing Chase and know I am producing way more then enough for him! lol :) No problems with nursing at all! He does great, and that is wonderful! YAY
Anyway sometimes it hard to believe I gave birth 16 days ago! I feel way too good over all! :) Chase though he seems so new still in some ways, also it seems he has always been part of my life you know??
I love my little man so much and can't imagine not having him!!
And since I have shared so many pictures of Chase here are two playing with their daddy yesterday! :)
Jaidyn hanging upside down with Brian! :)

Noah hanging upside down!!!
TOmorrow is Chase's dr appt at 1:45 so tomorrow evening I will have an update on how he is doing and how big he is! YAY! :)
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