2003-07-07 ~ 4:03 p.m.
2.5 week check up!
Okay if you came here to see pictures, click the prev link at the buttom of this entry okay???
Chase had his 2 week check up today! He is 17 days old today!
He is up to 7 lbs 11 oz from 6 lbs 6 oz! WOW! :) I can't believe he has grown so much! He is also now 21 1/4 inches long up from 20.5 inches!!
Brian thought he would be about 6.5 to 7 lbs and was amazed he was 7 lbs 11 oz when I told him!!
His head was up from 12.5 inches to 13.5 inches I think it was!
Anyway he is healthy and well! YAY :) Perfect they say!!
He slept AWFUL last night! Oh wow I was tired this morning! I woke up this morning with Chase laying on my chest on the couch, Jaidyn laying next to me, and noah laying at the other end with his feet and legs on me! Fun yes??
The joys of having 3 kids I love it! ;)
Anyway Chase was super fussy last night but has been okay today, except he was starving at the dr's office (not really starving because he nrused before we left) while i was filling out paper work and then of course I had to take his clothes off him and he got even more mad because he hates having his clothes off! lol
I did nurse him again at the dr office before we left and he has been sleeping sicne we got home at 3 (actuall ysicne we left the dr office at 2:45)
Brian had to take off work for about 2 hours today to watch the kids. Mrs. Donna is out of town and I couldn't find anyone else who was able to watch them today. But Brian went in early this morning so he would be able to take the time off in the middle of the day, and be able to go back and still get home by 5!
Speaking of that while Chase is asleep I need to go and get potatos and such done for dinner tonight! I figure while he and Jaidyn are napping (Brian put jadiyn down for a nap while I was gone and she is still napping)I can atleast get the food put together and the nI can cook it whenever I need to! ;)
I will work on a page for dr appt and check ups for hinm for this site, and get the picture page fixed with links to pictures and such!
Oh btw do you like all the new pictures in the layout??
And look at this its my siggy for my message boards, isn't it cool??? I had fun making it!
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