2003-07-09 ~ 8:46 p.m.
I was aggervated earlier but I am over it now thanks to one of my favorite email groups! :) If your on it, you know who you all are!! lol
Anyway Chase took a good nap this morning, stayed up all afternoon and only wanted to be in my arms, and now he is sleeping at a bad time! Probably means we won't sleep as well tonight! lol He has been up at this time the last two nights!!
Anyway I have pictures and things I want to show you!!!
First here is a sketch thingy I did in PSP of Chase:

Cool huh??
Now here is the birth annoucement I made and plan to send out to family and such:

OKay the first picture is of Chase, the second of Noah at about 3 weeks old. Look how they are doing the same things with their arms and same expression on their faces??

They look alike I think!! Noah's head is in a different position so its hard to see it completely but in other pictures I can tell too (and the one of noah isn't great because I took a picture of the picture)
Okay and these three were taken today at 19 days old:

This is in an outfit Noah used to wear as a baby!!
Getting mad

Very Very mad! lol
I looked in Noah's baby book and at 2 weeks he was 7 lbs 10 oz and 20.5 inches! Chase is 7 lbs 11 oz and 21 1/4 inches so he is about the same size Noah was!!! Jaidyn at 3 weeks was 9 lbs 4 oz and 20 inches I think so she was the biggest at around this age!!
Okay I hear little man grunting so he is waking up!
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