2003-07-09 ~ 9:21 a.m.
Good sleep @ 19 days!
Chase slept wonderful again! YAY At 10:30 last night he went to sleep again! YAY Maybe this is the start to a pattern??? I won't get my hopes up! lol
Anyway he woke up at 2:30 to nurse but didn't nurse long and then woke up at 6:30 and nursed a bit, and it was almost 9 before we got out of bed!! The kids were both in bed with Chase and I too!! :)

The view of my baby boy when he is done nursing! :)
I love waking up in the morning surrounded by 3 of my favorite people in the world! My Noah Bug, My Princess Jaidyn, and my Nibblet Chase Man! :)
Right now Chase is laying on his blanket right next to me on the floor. Both Noah and Jaidyn are sitting right next to him! I think they are as amazed by their brother as I am!

Laying on th4e changing table!
Yesterday Brian got home early (he went in early) and he got more time with Chase!! He normally only gets to play with Chase when the kids are asleep because they want his attention and plus Chase had been fussy in the evenings lately (but not yesterda yay).
Anyway the point is Chase fell to sleep in Brian's arms twice yesterday evening (once he didn't stay asleep though!) and I think that made Brian very very happy since Chase normally only wants me when he is sleepy!!

Chase laying next to Noah
Oh and Chase peed through his diaper on Brian too! lol It was too funny! Brian was like "what???" lol You think he would be used to it since this is our third! lol
And then Brian took the kids to his boss/friends house for a bit when he went and Chase and I hung out here!!
At first Chase was asleep so I cleaned the house some, did the dishes and laundry. Then when Chase got up and such I gave him his bath and all that fun stuff! It was nice to have it quiet around here!!
Mr. Chase Man
Its hard to beleive its been almost 3 weeks since we became a family of 5!! WOW that sounds weird still! A Family of 5. A mom, a dad, and 3 kids! :)

Laying with Noah and Jaidyn
Anyway nothing exciting to say now, just a couple more pictures for today and that is it! I need to pick up my little man before he gets upset (I rarely lay him down except when I am taking pictures! lol I can't help it I lov to hold him) And I have other things that need to be done around here!!

Black and White pic!

Jaidyn fixing to kiss her baby brother (she so babys him already! lol She will cover him and pretend to read to him! lol)

Noah kissing his brother (don't tell him I got this picture! He won't let anyone see him kissing the baby)
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