2003-07-13 ~ 11:28 a.m.
Chase's busy weekend
Chase had a busy busy days yesterday for a 3 week old! He made his first zoo trip & he went to his first hot air balloon thingy here!! :)
Anyway I have lots of pictures from his first trips places to share. Some of these pictures don't have Chase in them, but my sisters boys and my older two, but I wanted to put all the pictures in the same places!!
First off Friday afternoon my sister, her hubby and boys came up! She has 3 boys Jonanthon (14), Nick (8), & Zach (6).

All but Chase & Jonathon outside the day they got here! :)
Lt to Rt: Zach, Noah, Nick, & Jaidyn
Saturday we decided to go to the zoo, so it was Chase's first trip there! I have a couple pictures of him there but he slept through the whole zoo! lol (thankfully tis a small zoo)

Chase in his carseat smiling before we headed to the zoo! :)

Jaidyn petting a goat in the petting zoo part!

Zach, Nick, Jaidyn and Noah sitting on a bench at the zoo!
Yesterday evening we headed out to the hot airballoon races they have here every year! It was neat and the kids liked watching the balloons glow. Again Chase slept through MOST of the balloon things! lol

Chase and I one of the few times he was actually awake there! lol

3 of the hot air balloons in flight!

The piggy hot air balloon all light up during the balloon glow!

If you look closely at the bottom of this balloon it has a flag hanging from it! It was during the Star Spangled Banner, and they flew the flag from the balloon! It was neat!
Chase did wonderful doing everything yesterday! The zoo was a little hot but we got in the shade a lot and kept him out of the sun most of the time so he did great! He slept so much yesterday and he slept really well last night too! YAY
This morning our company left around 9:30. We decided not to get ready for church because we didn't think we would have enough time since Bri nad I needed showers and the kids bathes before we could go!

Noah and Zach playing a game this morning before they left!
Chase was up from 8:30 this morning until about 5 minutes ago! He was so good though!! :) He is a sweet sweet boy!
Here are pictures of him with Jaidyn this morning!

Jaidyn holding Chase

Close up of Jaidyn holding Chase
The next two are of Jaidyn and Chase laying next to each other. The blue quilt Chase is laying on is his from his great grandma, and the pink one over them is the quilt Jaidyn got from great grandma as well!

Anyway it was a good but tiring weekend for us all! Chase was wonderful though and so good!! :)
I still can't believe he is 3 weeks old (3 weeks, 2 days, 2 hours and 15 minutes to be exact! lol)
Now while he is asleep I need to go get my house cleaned up, laundry done and dishes washed so i will go now! :)
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