2003-07-15 ~ 9:04 a.m.
nothing really
lala sleep is good right?? Yep. Chase slept from 9:30 until midnight last night, then from 12:30 until 3 and at 3 he got a little fussy so we came into the living room and sat in the chair for awhile and he nursed and went right back to sleepo by 3:30 and slept until 6:30! We nursed again and by 7 we were back to sleep! He is actually still asleep but wiggling a lot! The other two were up at 8 so I have been up but sleeping is nice! :)
ANyway nothing major here. Chase is just a normal 3.5 week old baby boy! Growing, nursing, having his diaper changed, having little fussy spells, etc. Everything is just good! :)
I can't believe friday he will be 4 weeks old and Sunday a month old! Can you?? Seems like just yesterday I was having my little Nibblet boy and here he is nearing a month old!
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