2003-07-16 ~ 9:12 a.m.
Diaper change and nursing
2 more days and he will be 4 weeks old! whaaa! My baby is growing up too fast
He is sleeping right now. He actually slept pretty well last night which was good for us both! :) I love having him cuddled up next to me and us sleeping
Okay so he is starting to wake up, I can see his eyes opening and shutting over and over again! He is too cute!
He is so alert and jsut hearing my voice calms him down most of the time! I just love it!!!!

Doesn't he look like he is getting big?? WOW!! (Put that outfit is a preemie outfit still! lol)

Here is one of him and Jaidyn yesterday! :) Too cute yes??? She LOVES holding and helping with her brother!
Okay he is starting to make little sounds now so i am oging to go get him because I hate for him to ever have to cry when I can hear him waking up you know???
No letting him cry or for longer then 2 seconds unless we are in the car and he is in his car seat. Then he doesn't have a choice :( Poor thing, but yeah car seats are important and so he sometimes crys i nthere but he will normally stop himself right away too!!
Anyway diaper change and nursing here I come! :)
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