2003-07-17 ~ 1:34 p.m.
Look at me!!
A couple of pictures for you not all of chase!
The first two aren't great shots, because I took them of myself, but this is me today, 4 weeks from the day I got sent to the hospital. And one day shy of 4 weeks since the birth of my little man!

I have lost 25.5 lbs of the 27 I gained! YAY me right??1.5 lbs to go to pre pregnancy weight! YAY YAY YAY
Here is one of my oldest big boy that will be 5 in just a couple weeks! (August 10th) I had to share this because it seems like just yesterday he was my baby boy, Chase's size, and now he looks so grown up and not like my baby boy anymore :(

And last but certianlly not least, a picture of Chase Man!

He is cute right?
Yes there are no pictures of Jaidyn on here todfay but she didn't want her picture taken today! :( Silly girl!
Chase is asleep! :) Sweet little man that he is! He will be up soon though, he has been asleep since like 10 or 10:30!
Did I mention he slept from 11 pm last night until 5 am without waking up?? We slept on the couch together of course!
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