2003-07-18 ~ 7:50 a.m.
4 weeks & letter
Happy 4 weeks to you, Happy 4 weeks to you, Happy 4 weeks to Chase. Happy 4 weeks to you! :)
hehe Sorry goofy mood this morning.
Chase and I tried to sleep in bed with Brian last night, but it didn't work. He wouldn't stay asleep so we went back to the couch and that worked wonders!lol
So here is a letter to my little man on this, his 4 week birthday (can you believe he will be a month old on SUNDAY????)
HI there little man, right now you sleeping soundly at your place on the couch. The couch where you and I sleep most nights togehter. Where you snuggle up right next to mommy and we both sleep peacifully.
Its hard to believe in some ways you have been here with us for 4 weeks. The 4 weeks have flown by so fast!! One day I went from talking to you while I showered and you were in my tummy, and the next I was holding you in my arms, nursing you and loving every minute of it.
In other ways, its like you have always been part of our lives. I can't imagine now having you now. You bring so much more joy and happiness to our lives.
Your older brother, loves you so much. He wants to see you, hug you and know what you are doing every second. If you even start to cry he gets worried and upset that something is wrong with you. He will finally hold you now that you are getting a little bigger!!
Your older sister likes to play mommy with you! She wants to hold you, sit near you, sing to you, cover you and help mommy with everything!!
You are very very lucky to have a sister and brother who love you so much already!!
I wasn't sure how things would be when you were born, but now I know that though its sometimes busy and hectic around here I am so happy you are here! I have found it easier then I thought to juggle all 3 of you :)
I love the way you look up at me when your nursing and the look in your little baby eyes. I love the way you get drowsy and fall to sleep nursing every night. I love the way it feels to wake up every morning with you right next to me, knowing you feel safe and secure with mommy right there with you. I love the way you calm down right away when I talk to you or pick you up. Or the way you watch me when I sing or talk to you. I love your cute little baby smiles that I know you don't mean yet, but still I love them! I love the expression on your face. There is just so much to love about you!!!
I love the way you have gotten more filled out from just mommy's milk and knowing that you are growing because of what mommy is able to make for you! :)
You my sweet precious baby boy, have brought much much joy into our lives. You have helped me heal in more ways then you can and will ever know.
Mr Chase man, on this your 4 week birthday, I just want to let you know mommy loves you so much! I am so glad we have you in our lives and I thank God every day for giving me you!!
I Love you little man,
Older ~ Newer