2003-07-19 ~ 8:59 a.m.
what I love...
lol Kat, I had laugh at your guestbook entry! :)
Your right though! lol
Anyway Chase had a rougher night last night. he slept so much yesterdya that he was up a lot last night. Is okay though, I don't mind!!
Brian went to help a guy he works with put up a fence today. He will be gone all day, so its another day with me and all 3 kids.
sigh.. Maybe we will go somewhere. Probably not, because I am not brave enough to go out with 3 kids though! lol
Chase has the hiccups and he is just sitting on my lap looking around! He is the sweetest baby!!
He is starting to make cutie baby noise now instead of just grunts and groans He actually is making a few cooing sounds! Too cute!!
On a message board there was a thread where people were listing what they loved about their babys. I love so much my list could go on and on!
I love his cute baby smile in his sleep
The peaciful look on his face when he is nursing
The way he falls to sleep so peaciful in my arms
Waking up to find him snuggled up next to me every morning
The way he watches me when I am talking to him
THe way he gets calm and quiet when I speak to him
How I can pick him up and he calms down right away!
There is so much more... I just want to bottle up all these early memories. They grow so fast and before long most of these thing will just be memories and there will be new things he does and will learn to do.
The joys of having children, learning to enjoy every minute of their lives because they grow and change so fast that it seems if you blink you may miss something.
I feel very very lucky to be able to stay home with my kids and be the one to see all their first, and share every minute of their early lives with them..
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