2003-07-20 ~ 10:00 p.m.
1 month!
Chase is a month old as of today! Whaa my baby boy is growing up too quickly!! Not much to say really as he isn't doing anything new, just all the normal baby stuff but we so love it! :)
Here are the pictures I posed him for tonight! I laid him on his belly wide wake to take them and he dozed off while I took the pictures! lol of course right afterwards he woke up again (because I moved him off his belly) and he is in my arms nursing now!

his feet!!

Brian holding chase!!
oh and if you want to see the layout I made for my blog (i just started a new one since I dont update my regaulr journal much right now) using pictures of his feet & hands, and using black and white pics of the kids go to
it was going to be a photo log but I changed my mind! lol
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