2003-07-21 ~ 1:56 p.m.
thanks & he scared me
First off thanks Kat for wishing Chase a happy 1 month yesterday! :) YAY and thank you soooo much for the blanket you made and sent to Chase! Its great!! Its so soft and he has it covering him as he sleeps now (its cold in my room so the blanket is perfect!)
Alice thanks for your guestbook entry!
Sorry guys I am lazy with linking to other diaries today!
Chase scared me yesterday. He vomited, not just spit up, 3 times everything he ate last night. Why does this scare me so much? Noah started doing that all of the sudden at about 3 or 4 weeks old and at 6 weeks ended up needing surgery from a stomach problem. So here I am worried that Chase may have this too. I know he is probably okay, because he hasn't done it since 11 or 11:30 pm last night, but Noah's started out every now and again and ended up getting worse and worse until everything he drank came back out. So we will watch and see. I don't want my baby to have what Noah did. I was terrified when Noah had surgery at 6 weeks and I don't want to go through that again. So pray for me it was just a one night thing and he won't start doing that more and more often.
Other then that Chase and I slept pretty good once I got him to be able to keep something down! Slept from midnight until like 3 or 4 am and he nursed for a bit and then woke up at like 7 this morning so it was good sleep!
He has been sleeping lots this morning. I haven't gotten near enough done today as I should be. I just don't feel like it! I have laundry to fold blah.. I hate laundry!
Lots and lots of laundry because I am SOOOO behind from being gone sunday and not getting house work done!
I am stuck between wanting to sit and rest, and getting things done while Chase and Jaidyn sleep... Noah is playing by himself and happy doing that right now, so I am not worried about finding something for him and I to do right now, so I am resting by being on here, but I guess I really should go do the laundry... sigh..
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