2003-07-22 ~ 1:57 p.m.
late night
Alice I am glad you enjoying seeing my Chase man so much! Thanks again! :) We think he is cute too!
Last night was a long long night for us! He was up until 1 am!!! I was so tired by then because I had gotten up beforee 7 am yesterday morning,and no rest of anything!
BUT I have the worlds greatest hubby and he well, cleaned the house, helped with the kids, and did all sorts of stuff for me! SO sweet!
We played frisbee outside together too! Fun fun
He is cooking on the grill tonight! YUM! No cooking for me!
Chase nursed so much last night that I was actuallu hurting some, but not much and hey I don't mind really!!
Then we crashed on the couch of course together. I so love cuddling with little man! I love waking up to have him cuddled up right next to me! Does he really have to get bigger?
Is this really the end of us having children?? I don't know anymore. I don't know if I can honestly say, no more pregnancy, no more birth and labor, no more newborns. I can say none for awhile anyway, but maybe one day...
We will see. Its just sad to me to think of Chase as a month old already and if he is my last, I think, wow this may have been the last time I watched how much a baby changes from birth to 1 month. sigh..
Of course I know God only knows how many children is right for us, so I will jsut leave that him and for now (for the next year or two or three or four even) we will use protection (no pills I don't like them, won't use them) and see where we go from here
Oh and I have a sweet 1 month old in my arms and a cute cute cute 2.5 year old laying in her bed trying to go to sleep for her nap. I also have a monster of a almost 5 year old who is having to take a nap today because mommy just can't handle the whining anymore and he is so tired I can tell, but he is so mad at me for making him lay down for an hour (I told him he didn't have to sleep just rest for an hour then he could get up) and he is keeping his sister awake. sigh...
Oh well it always gets better. Over all I love having my 3 monkeys even if one is being a monster at the moment! :)
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