2003-07-23 ~ 10:43 a.m.
Pictures & He is still asleep!
Chase is actually still asleep and its 10:43 am!! Why you ask?? Probably because though he and I went to sleep at 11:30 last night a storm came through which woke up Noah and Jaidyn at 1:30 or so until 3:30 or so this morning so I had to get up which woke him up and such. He went right back to sleep as soon as they did and woke to nurse at a little before 7 and then back out again!
Even Noah and Jaidyn slept later then normal this morning (Noah until 8:30 and Jaidyn until 9:30)
Here are a few pictures for your dialy Chase fix! :) The first one is of Brian holding Chase last night:

The rest are just pictures I took while he was laying on the floor and making faces! lol

A silly Face!! I LOVE this picture! Its too cute of him

Open mouth picture

Not happy face!!

Oh and he is on his new blanket in all these pictures too! :) Its just so soft its nice to lay him on it!!
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