2003-07-25 ~ 8:40 a.m.
5 weeks & stuffy nose
chase has a astuffy nose! WHAAA Its awful!!He sounds awful when he tries to breath, he couldn't sleep well last night because he kept waking up not able to breath, and isn't wnaitng to nurse well because of it!
My poor poor baby!
He is 5 weeks old today! Can you believe that???
Oh and Jaidyn had this same stuffy nose stuff a couple days ago and its gone already so pray it goes away as quickly with Chase okay??
I am so tired from waking up so much last night but my little man NEEDED me so I don't mind! We slept sitting up most of the night to help him breath!
We got the pictures back that we had done of him at the photo studio when he was 1.5 weeks old! Too cute they are. I love having pictures of him up on my walls like I have my other two as well! I got two poses of him so I two pictures on the wall now!
In about 2 weeks we are going for FAMILY PICTURES! YAY We haven't had them done since Jaidyn was 2 months old! lol Chase is almost that age now! lol
So we will get family pictures, and try to get one of each of the kids all together too but we will see how that goes!
Anyway I need to go little man is in my lap and he is getting restless
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