2003-07-27 ~ 8:44 p.m.
Feeling a bit better!!
Chase is sleeping peacifully for the first time not in my arms in awhile.
He felt a little better this afternoon which was good! He laid on the floor and played for awhile!!
Here are some pictures from yesterday and today and then head over to my regular journal if you have that link (or email me and I will give it to ya probably) to see pictures of Noah and Jaidyn! :)

Chase and Brian laying together last night

Chase with Brian's sister Tammy

Chase laying on the floor this afternoon
He looks like he is scratching him head in this one! lol

Chase having Tummy Time! He is looking at his new toy frog

Chase sitting in between some of Jaidyn's stuffed animals! :)
Chase eating his new froggy! He got ahold of it and put it in his mouth!
Anyway if you want to read about his cold and our visit with Brian's sister read the entry before this one. And if you want to see pictures of Noah and Jaidyn go to my regular journal or email me for the link ([email protected]) more then likely I will give it to you! :)
Chase is sleeping well right now. We will see how he feels when he wakes up! Poor guy!
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