2003-08-03 ~ 9:21 a.m.
Sleeping good
I didn't write yesterday but I didn't get a lot of time to type! Chase didn't sleep much at all yesterday, nursed like crazy and wanted to be held all day! Growth spurt maybe??
He was in a better mood though! His cold seems to finally be starting to go away! YAY!!
Right now he is on the floor having tummy time but I don't think that is going to last much longer. He is getting fussy!
He and I seltp good last night! Well okay this mommy is dumb when baby goes to sleep again at 11 mommy should too, not just lay next to him and watch tv for an hour (sorry I got into a show and had to finish it! lol) So it was 12 before I went to sleep and then Noah and Jaidyn were up at 7! Yes you noticed I didn't say Chase was up before then right?? lol He slept good like I said! lol
Okay he is starting to fuss a bit and around here we don't let little man get mad enough to cry much so I am going to get him now, and its time to get ready for church anyhow...
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