2003-08-03 ~ 3:51 p.m.
Sunday Pictures!
Not a bad morning. Chase went to sleep this morning after I got him ready for church and nursed him! then we went to church and in the middle of the services Brian got paged to go into work so we had to leave and come home and then he went to work!
He is home now. Chase has been nursing most of the afternoon! lol or so it feels anyway! He is pretty much asleep in my arms right now!
Anyway I have pictures to share, I hope you don't mind! :)The first 4 are of the many faces my little man makes!

Chase with his "cooing" face!

Almost a smile!



Chase before church this morning

Chase asleep in his carseat right before we left for church.

All 3 kiddos before church this morning!
Now here are a couple of my Noah Bug, and my Princess Jaidyn! :)

Noah before church

Noah with 3d glasses on! :)

Jaidyn thinking! lol

My pretty girl this morning! :)
Aren't they cute?? Yeah I know they are huh?? lol I love them all so so so much! :) Chase has just brough so much more blessings into our life!
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