2003-08-08 ~ 8:21 a.m.
7 weeks
Happy 7 weeks today Chase! lol :) Its going so fast! IN a week and a half he will be 2 months old! WOW
It goes so fast!!
Nothing really exciting. My sister, her kiddos, her roommate and her kids came over yesterday to visit. It was a good visit and they got to see Chase, and they hadn't seen him since right after hje was born!!
We went to the grocery store yesterday and Chase was actually awake the whole time and out to eat too and he was good and everything! YAY Chase! :)
2 more days until my oldest baby turn 5! I am gonna cry! and he will be starting kindergarten on the 20th! whhhaaa
Oh oh oh, we should be getting that tax advance check today, tomorrow or monday (or atleast I suppose since everyone else I know got theirs on one of those days of the week they were supposed to get it) YAY At tax time this year, I get to clain the full 1000 for Chase since he doesn't count for the advance because he wasn't here yet at tax time!!
Okay I got way off baby stuff huh? You don't mind right??
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