2003-08-04 ~ 4:07 p.m.
not fair
You knwo waht is not fair??
When Brian is holding Chase and Chase is smiling and cooing away, so I run and get the camera and hide so he can't see me. Well as soon as I point the camera at him, he stops! lol So I put the camera down and go about my business and he starts smiling and cooing again!!
Its crazy! lol He is hiding form the camera! lol Crazy baby
He is asleep right now and I ahve to admitt its nice because I am hasivng alone time right now. He and Jaidyn are asleep, Brian and Noah are camping so its ME time! WOW I haven't had ME time in forever!!
My little ones and I will do something special later though becuase well its time for them andn me since Noah and brian are camping dfor Noah's birthday (tomorrow he will be 5!!!!!!!!!!!!)
Sleeping babies are nice, cute and sweet!
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