2003-08-17 ~ 3:51 p.m.
Thrush and more
Chase and I have thrush! I wasn't sure on Friday or I would have called the dr then! sigh.. Pain pain pain is all I can say!
He has the white patches in his mouth, pulls away a lot during nursing, and is now getting a yeast rash in his diaper area! ugh and all that fun stuff.
Me, I hurt badly when he nurses and I have NEVER hurt when I nursed him at all so yeah not fun. Also have a little rash and my nipples are cracking and dry ouchie!!
This never happened when I nursed Jaidyn so yeah this is a first for Chase and I both. Calling the dr tomorrow to see if we can get in and get something for this to help it go away!
Chase needs to go in for his 2 month appt anyway and I want to know what he weighs! Any guesses ?? lol
I am betting he weighs somewhere within the 10-12 lb range
Oh and guess what?? He is only waking ONCE during the night! This has been his thing for the last week or two anyway!!
Oh and I got a front carrier because he likes to be carried facing outwards so he can see everyhting So we got a baby bejorn or however that is spelled. I also ordered a sling! :) hehe
Love the tax advance check yes I do! lol
Oh well I guess that is for now. I will write tomorrow after I call and try to get him in Monday or tuesday for his check up and for this thrush we have!
I so wish his 3-6 month clothes weren't so huge on him! lol
Okay I am rambling, gotta go baby is awake and just looking around but he will be hungry soon!
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