2003-08-19 ~ 2:28 p.m.
Chase was back to sleeping well last night! YAY He took a 2 1/2 hour nap this morning and I jsut laid him down but I think he is waking up already :(
He isn't good at taking more then one nap during the day but if he takes his good nap in the morning he really needs another one in the afternoon or he gets too tired and gets cranky!!
Here are pictures from yesterday of him:

This is my favorite! He is smiling and sticking out his tongue! hehe :)

Chase sleeping

Close up of his face :)


Pouting :(

Cutie with a hat on

Another of my cutie

And another
All of those were of him in an outfit Noah used to wear all the time when he was a baby! :) TOoo cute!
Here are two from a couple days ago

My little man

My boys aren't they too cute??
Okay that is it with the pictures, Chase is grunting so I need to go get him
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