2003-08-20 ~ 1:12 p.m.
2 months
Happy 2 months little man! :) I can't believe you are 2 months old already!!
You smile, you coo, you mostly sleep through the night, you are a wonderful nurser, and you are just perfect! :)
Next wednesday you have to go in for your check up and shots :( poor thing. I can't wait to find out how big he is though!
He hates hates hates the car though! Well sometimes anyway. If he is tired and we put him in he will go on to sleep. If he wants to be held and we have to go soemwhere he screams the whole time! Sometimes he is quiet when the car is moving but when it stops he screams and then when it starts up again he quiets down!
Right now Chase and Jaidyn are both asleep so I am having quiet time while Noah is in school! I just hope the little ones adjust to this new pick up and drop off schedule we have for noah! They aren't used to getting up so early! lol

Picture of Chase in his carseat this morning!
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