2003-08-25 ~ 8:03 a.m.
We're Back
Okay we are back! Chase did really well most of the trip!
The way down he slept for 2 hours woke up to eat so we would stop for a bit and then he would sleep for another 2 horus. The normal 5 hour trip took 6 hours because of all the stops but it went okay! :)
He did great seeing everyone and letting everyone hold him! He even slept all night both nights we were there (7 horus one night 7.5 hours the next)
The trip home he slept the first 3 hours and then woke up and wasn't happy the last two even after we stopped and feed him and such
Anyway I have pictures! :)

Chase with Taylor (Brian's brothers step daughter)

Chase meeting my dad for the first time! :)

Chase with Jan (my daddy's wife)

Our family at my dads house!

My Dad and Jan with the two little ones (Noah wouldn't get in the picture for some reason)

Jaidyn all dressed up before the wedding (isn't she pretty??)

All of us before the wedding!

Jaidyn with Paige (brian's brother's daughter who is 3 months older then Chase)

Jaidyn with her "two babies" as she called them! lol

Brian with his niece Paige! :) (it was the first time he has held her and she is 5 months old)
My sisters boys and my 3!! :)
lt to rt: Jaidyn, Nick, Jonathon holding Chase, Zach and Noah! :)
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