2003-08-26 ~ 9:32 a.m.
sleep and such
Chase slept great through the store yesterday which made the trip go very well! :) YAY
He also slept while we picked up Noah which is good since we sit in that line for sometimes 20 minutes! :( ugh
He is asleep now too! lol Crazy boy!!
When he is awakle he is so alert and so smilie its just great! I love his awake time, I love his sleep time. I love watching him./ I just love him to pieces!
Thanks everyone for the comments on the pictures of our family and such I shared yesterday! :)
HEre are few pictures of Mr. Smilies from yesterday:

OH and I puyt a picture in the picture section for 2 months and update milestones and growth page yesterday too so you can check it outr! IO will update the growth page agian tomorrow after his check up!
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