2003-08-27 ~ 12:55 p.m.
Chase's 2 month appt
Chase had his 2 month appointment today! It went okay! Full dressed he was 13 lbs 11 oz!!! He was 6 lbs 6 oz at birth so he has gained 7 lbs 5 oz since birth!!! :) He is 24 inches long up from 20.5 that he was at birth!! That is 3.5 inches!! So he has gotten big big big! :) But he is doing wonderful. He smiled and coo'ed at the dr and the nurses up until he got his shots! :( But he did okay with those too and as soon as I picked him up and they were done he was happy again
Bad news about the appt was his appt was at 9:10 and we didn't not get called back until after 10 and it was around 11 before we got out of there (we waited in the back for a long while too) AND the stupid drs office made me mad. See my insurance pays for well baby visits and for shots 100%. Which means I pay nothing at all for well baby visits at all and only pay a 10 dollar copay for sick visits and such. WELL they said they don't charge insurances for the shots so they made me pay for them!! Why am I paying for my insurance to cover these things if the drs office won't bill my insurance for it??????????????????? UGH UGH UGH. Anyway I have talked to my insurance and they said they will talk to the drs office and I will probably be getting my money back whgich would be nice. Oh and they charged me my co pay too when they weren't supposed to! ugh
Anyway he is asleep now. Poor little guy
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