2003-08-28 ~ 1:38 p.m.
Chas Man
Chase didn't sleep well last night. You know why??? He has a stuffy nose again, but so do JAidyn and I. I believe he is going to suffer allergies and sinuses just like JAidyn and I. Poor little guy. His daddy and Noah are lucky and don't have this like s!!
He is soooooo cute it isn't even funny! :) I so love my cuddle bug, my wiggle worm, my nibbly nibblet, my chasey poo, my bubbas, my peanut, my baby boy, My Chase Man.
Can you tell the little man has lots of nicknames already? I wonder what will stick. Noah is Noah Bug or Bug or Bugster. All some form of Bug. Jaidyn is princess and baby girl. I wonder wonder wonder what Chase will be??
He is on my lap now. So cute and sweet! :) Jaidyn is sleeping. 30 minutes until I have to wake her so we can get ready to go get Noah!
Well Chase is "talking" to me so I am going to talk to him and get me some of his cute baby smiles...
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