2003-08-30 ~ 8:59 a.m.
I have pictures I will share later,. Too tired to mess with uploading them right now though, sorry! :)
I am so tired and its not because of Chase! He slept wonderfully! He is such a good baby. I love love love him so much
I had a bad afternoon yesterday until I watched him sleep peacifully and happily and knew it was because he knew mommy was there and would take care of them. Then I went into Noah and Jaidyn;s roo mand saw how peaciful they were too.
Makes me proud that my kids feel safe, they feel lovedf because of me you know??
CHase rarely cries becuase he KNOWS I am here and I will take care of him. I know every little sound he makes and what they mean. I know that he sucks on his hand one way when he is hungry and a different way when he just wants to suck. I know his little grunts when he is asleep and which ones mean he is waking and which ones mean he is just trying to get comfortable. Its amazing to be this intune with a little person
Anyway speaking of my Chase Man I hear him wiggling a lot now, which menas he is waking up! Gotta go he will want to nurse of course
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