2003-08-01 ~ 3:29 p.m.
Guess what???
guess who rolled over from his tummy to his back twice today????? hmmm can you guess?? :) lol
Yes Chase rolled over today! YAY tooo tooo too cute!
Herer are some pictures I took of him today. (Oh and notice and I am changing around this site some. I changed the top graphic and will be changing the layout soon! :))
So here are some of Chase during tummy time:

And here are some from his bubble bath! :)

Isn't he the cutest?? hehe :) I love my little man!! He had the biggest grin. Too bad that when I took those pictures are the only two times he let me put him down and wasn't nursing. He has nursed ALL day long and has not napped for longer then 10 minutes at a time. Its been a long long day because of it!! Jaidyn is napping, Noah is actually being good right now, Chase is nursing of course, and Brian is still at work...
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