2003-09-02 ~ 3:23 p.m.
no sleep
Mr chase is only sleeping in his carseat when I pick Noah up from school or in my arms for the last two days.
Its not helping me get much done but he has been nursing more here the last couple days. I am guessing GROWTH SPURT! lol :) Like he really needs to grow anymore! He is getting too big too fast for me! I mean heck he is 10 1/2 weeks old, he rolled over 2 times yesterday, he coos all the time, and he is super strong these days. SLOW DOWN LITTLE MAN! lol
I need to updeat ehe kids diary. I need to do that mor eoften now that Noah is in school and I have more to update about now! :)
Anyway Chase is asleep in my arms I will have to put him in his carseat in a bit. We will have to go get Brian from work in a little bit.
If ytour following a link here to see cute pictures of my little man, hit the previous entry link
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