2003-09-04 ~ 6:38 a.m.
Mr. Chase is wonderful! :) Yes he has been on a sleep strike for days but I believe its finally over! YAY :)
He slept wonderful yesterdfay afternoon and last night! YAY and way to go chase yes??? Love love my baby boy!
He is still asleep now but I hear him grunting. Not the I am trying to get ocmfortable in my sleep grunts, but the I am going to be up soon mommy grunts! :)
Lots to do around here today, so I will try and get most of it done with him in my arms probably :) I do love carring him and holding him.
He is a great baby! Such a sweet smile and coo. I wish you could hear his sweet baby coos, they are precious and I love it soo much!!
I should have a million babies, yes. No, not really. I love my children and maybe in the future there will be another (maybe not though) but right now I am enjoying my 3 to the fullest.
I have Noah who is in school. My kindergartener, who is learning to read and write. My Jaidyn who is my toddler, who is learning her colors and shapes on her own and surprisingly she knows the word cat starts with a C. And then I have mr Chase. My little cuddle bug who is rolling over like an old pro already. Who smiles and coos at me everytime he seems me.
Its amazing, t ruely amazing to see them all in different points of growing up and how much different they are but how well the mesh togehter.
Having my family is wonderful and I am so glad we have Chase because he fits so well into our family, I already after just 2 months can't imagine life without him.
oh uh I need to get Noah up soon since tis a school day and Jaidyn is up and moving a chair in the kitchen which means she is about to get into something! lol Gotta go
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