2003-09-06 ~ 1:55 p.m.
Picture time
I have pictures! :)
Lots of them so be prepared

Isn't that a cute cute smile :)

Isn't this one CUTE CUTE CUTE?????? I took it in the sepia mode of my camera! :)

Noah and Chase! :) Aren't they cute brothers??

Playtime with his new toy! It does tummy time and it changes to hang over him if he is on his back!

Tummy Time Again

Laying under it! :)
THe next two are of my dad with CHase last night:

My Niece Taylor & Chase

My nephew Tj, holding Chase
The next two are of my sisters 2 and my 3:

Chase otuside on Thursday

On the couch

On his tummy

Posing! :)

In the bucket! :)


My Chase man :)
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