2003-09-08 ~ 8:52 p.m.
soaking it in
Thanks Meg and Alice! I think he is adorable too! :)
I haven't updated in a day or so becuase I wanted to leave the entry with the pictures up for a couple days to make sure everyone I sent the link to go to see themand didn't have to serch for the entry!
ANyway Chase is doing well. SLeeping most of the night, still not sleeping well during the day unless we are going soemwhere and he is asleep in the car or in my arms! :)
I am nervous because wednesday morning he will be staying for 30 minutes with my sister while I go to Noah's school to help out in his class. Normally he nurses at 5:30 or 6 and sleeps until 8:30 or 9 (even with me getting him out and going up to the school to drop Noah off and coming back home) so he will probably sleep though it since I am only going to be there from 8-8:30 but still. I will pump a little milk for him just incase to give to my sister for him... Nerves though!! lol
Anyway he is perfect and so happy most of the time. ALways fgrinning and such! He loves this new tummy time/ over head toy I got him! He coos and laughs at it and its great! He rolled over yesterday again! He is too cute!
He is 11 weeks and 3 days! Can you believe its been 11 1/2 weeks since he was born?? WOW its been amazing, really it has! I enjoy him so very much!
I just wish time would slow down and I could enjoy my little man being this little longer, but I know that isn't the way it works, so I will soak in every minute I have him at this age.
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