2003-09-15 ~ 1:47 p.m.
Finally the pics
:) Thanks Kat and Rosie for your comments on my cutie pie! :)
Here are the pictures I promised, real entry from this morning is before this one, so go read it if you want!
Okay here are the pictures:

Chase wearing his carebear sleeper laying wtih Jaidyn's carebears! :)

In his robe! :) Isn't he cute??

I love this pouting face in this one! lol

Chase on his tummy

All 3 kids! :)

Group Hug! :)


Here is one of Noah! :)

batting at his toy

batting at toy again

Noah trying to comfort chase

Jaidyn with one of her baby dolls

Noah kissing Chase's neck to make him laugh!

Noah hugging Chase
That is it for now!:)
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