2003-09-15 ~ 6:33 a.m.
update on little man
I have pictures but I need to upload them before I can post them. I will do it later.
Chase is good. Super good actually! So sweet and cute! Yesterday I think his belly hurt because he didn't want to nurse and was super cranky and had gas really bad. Poor thing. He was fine by last night. He slept petty well. He was alseep by 9:30 in our bed with us while we watched tv! He woke up once last night to nurse and then when Bri's alarm went off at 5:10 this morning He was waking up agian because of it but went back to sleep! :)
He sleeps sop well at night. His naps during the day are still not great but that is okay. I don't mind him grinning at me all day long. Oh of course a little nap here and there isn't bad though! lol
VCan you believe he will be 3 months old on Saturday?????????????? 3 months!! I think I am going to ake him this week to get his pictures done. He needs to have them done again! Last ones were when he was 1 1/2 weeks old! We need newer ones! :)
And we need to hurry up in the next couple weeks and get those family pictures I want so badly...
Anyway Chase Man is good .He grins so big all the time, loves to be walked all around so he can look at everything, likes his new toy I got him just a couple weeks ago, and just is a happy little man! :)
Anyway I will add the newer pictures when I get back from taking Noah to school in about an hour or so! :)
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