2003-09-26 ~ 9:31 a.m.
Chase slept wonderful last night. He slept from 8:30 last night until 10 when I moved him form the couch where he and I were laying to bed. He went right back to sleep though after nursing for about 2-5 minutes!
Then he only woke up at little before 5 and slept until I woke him up at 7:30 to take Noah to school.
He just fell back to sleep about 20 minutes ago too! Sleepy boy!
He sleeps so great at night. I suppose I am lucky because my other two didn't sleep this well at night at this age!! I wouldn't mind if he didn't sleep this good though, he is only 3 months. I have heard so many people trying to make their babies sleep all night long at 2-3 months and that just isn't how its supposed to be. They need to nurse or eat at night still at these ages. And most people don't understand that all night at this age is 5-6 hours not 8-12 like people seem to expect.
They are just babies... sigh... This is directed at anyone. Just a lot of people on I know in real life, on the computer, in our family, etc all keep asking is Chase is sleeping through the night, and talking about how they get their babies to sleep all night. sigh...
Babies are blessings, wonderful little people who NEED their mommy's even in the middle of the night.
Anyway Chase is napping I have cloths I need to get washed because I don't know if I will be ehre this weekend or not
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