2003-10-13 ~ 6:51 a.m.
a week from today
a week from today, it will be the 20th which means my little man will be 4 months old next week! WOW!!
He is getting so big! 16 weeks already!
He is rolling from belly to back and back tobelly which is neat! He hates to lay down! If he is awake he wants to be sitting! He thinks he is big! lol
SOoo cute he is though. Yep!
He is always happyand smiling! I love love love seeing him grin!
When I look at him I don't see that he looks much like Noah did at that age, but I looked at a picture of Noah at 4 months and yeah they still look alike in some ways! :)
I need to update the picture page here and the milestone page too. I will do that later.
I have to get Noah up for school now, and then I have to go get Chase's pictures that came in last week on friday.
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