2003-10-16 ~ 6:52 a.m.
I have pictures for later. I just don't have time to post them this morning. :)
Chase went to sleep at 9:45 with me last night and woke only once to nurse last night!! :) He is asleep now too.
He is a great nighttime sleeper. He doesn't sleep much or well during the day anymore though.
He won't stay on his back anymore at all. He will roll over to his belly everytime! lol He has been rolling really well from back to belly since Monday!! He had done it a few times before then but since then its all the time. What is funny is he will roll to his belly and get mad because he doesn't want on his belly. He seems to not remember how to roll from his belly to his back now! lol Crazy baby! I know he can do it he was only rolling from belly to back for awhile there. I think he is just too busy with the rolling back to belly now to remember he can do it@!
He can pull himself to sitting in the bouncey chair thingy. It leans back some and he can't stand to lean back so he pulls his upper body up and off the back of it. Now I don't like putting him in the bouncer (I don't put him in it unless I need to get something done really quick anyway but he does like the toy bar on it a lot) because of the way he will pull himself to sitting and kind of fall to the side even with him strapped in.
I need to get an exersaucer. Yep I do
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