2003-10-17 ~ 8:05 a.m.
The pics I have been talking about...
New layout! :) I LOVE it! hehe
Okay I have lots of pictures for you, but first, Chase slept awful last night. We were up atleast once every 1 1/2 hours!! I feel like I didn't sleep last night at all!
But see he didn't nap yesterday at all until 6 pm and then he slept until 8:30 so it was after 10:30 before he went to sleep and I have found the later he stays up the worse he sleeps at night! Fun fun...
Okay here are the pictures. They are all from the last week.
The first ones are from our trip to Bay City last weekend and from while we were visiting with my in laws :)

Chase and his cousin Ryan

Chase and his cousin Taylor
The next two are of Chase and his cousin Paige who is about 3 months older then him.

And here is one Bri took of Chase and I playing:

Chase standing with help of course. He loves to stand up! :)

Chase and his Papa (Brian's dad)
These next few are from bath time! :) Chase calms down so easily in a bath!!

Playing with Rubber Duckie (Fits the layout huh?? lol)

Just a cute one of him in the bath! :)
I didn't get a picture of him splashing but boy he loves to splash!

I laid him on the grass without a blanket for the first time and he kept pulling the grass! It was cute!
Pulling himself to sitting in his bouncy chair.
Another one of him pulling to sitting in it! :)
Eating the rings I hung from the toy bar! :)
Okay isn't he adorable?? Yes yes yes of course. Anyway what do you think about the layout?? I like it and you can see where I got it by following the links on the side if you want to! :)
I am off to redo the layout on Noah and Jaidyn's diary. And then I will add pictures there and then redo my dairy. Then I need to update my web site. I haven't done that in awhile! :)
If you can't tell Chase is asleep, Jaidyn is playing quietly, Noah is at school, Brian is at work, and for once I don't have ten million things to do!! lol
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