2003-10-20 ~ 6:12 a.m.
4 months
Long long night. Chase went to sleep fairly easy like normal but he woke up soooooo much. We ended up on the couch... not fun...
I don't know why he didn't sleep well but he is sleeping great right now! Maybe he just didn't want me to sleep last night?? hehe
We spent a lot of time outside yesterday. Brian worked until after 9 last night so I had all day yesterday alone with the kids. It wasn't bad. Chase LOVES it outside and is so good out there!!
You know what?? Chase is 4 months old today! 4 months old! WOW Happy 4 months little man! Two more months and he will be 6 months which is half a year already. Time is flying right on buy!
He is doing so much now
If you lay him on his back he will roll on to his stomach even though he knows he is just going to get upset! lol He grabs toys, and anything else he can get a hold off. He was trying to chew on one of Noah's power ranger figures yesterday! lol He also loves the remote and the phone! lol :)
He bats and grabs at all the toys he has while on his back or his belly. He smiles and laughs at everything now days!
He has a wopnderful personality. He is wearing mostly 3-6 month clothes now. SOmetimes he wears 0-3 still though and they still kind of fit. He has worn one 6-9 month outfit, but its about te size of the 3-6 month stuff so yeah.
I don't know what he weighs or anything. I need to call and get him into the dr for his check up and shots
4 months old. That is still amazing to me! :)
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