2003-10-22 ~ 8:44 a.m.
Rolling Pics
Chase man is napping on the couch. Yep. Actually he and I both fell to sleep but I had to wake myself back up quickly as Jaidyn was awake laying on the other end of the couch and I knew she wouldn't stay there long! lol
Anyway Chase slept wonderful again all night! YAY I LOVE waking up to having him snuggled up next to me, but sometimes it makes me hate to get up because I have him all right there and such you know??
Basically nothing major to say but here are some pictures of him rolling over!!

I took the pictures as he rolled over! hehe :) So cute! He has been rolling for awhile but that is the first time I got it on film like that. I video taped it too!
Here are some more pictures

He was making a weird face in this one!

He was trying to see Jiadyn who was standing behind his head


Looking at me! :)

sleeping in his carseat after taking Noah to school

My cutie in his halloween sleeper

Looking at you! :)

Looking at a toy in front of him

Chase trying to grab at Jaidyn
Sorry nothing exciting to say really. What else can I say except he is adorable and sweet and a normal 4 month old!
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